Sedation Dentistry

Serving Flower Mound, TX, and Surrounding Areas

At Happy Pediatric Dental of Flower Mound, we understand that some dental procedures can be scary for kids. Our top priority is ensuring our young patients are comfortable and relaxed while receiving the best possible care. If your child is overly anxious or has difficulty sitting still during treatment, we may recommend pediatric dental sedation.

What Are the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a game changer when it comes to pediatric dental care. It allows us to successfully treat patients who cannot cooperate during dental procedures, such as young children, kids with significant anxiety, or those with special healthcare needs.

Helping your child relax during dental treatment allows us to complete lengthy or complex treatments much more quickly and accurately while eliminating the risk of injury and the need for multiple appointments. Most importantly, sedation dentistry allows for anxiety-free dental care, which helps build positive associations and prevents our young patients from developing a fear of the dentist.

What Are the Different Pediatric Sedation Options?

At Happy Pediatric Dental of Flower Mound, we offer sedation dentistry options ranging from mild relaxants to general anesthesia. We will determine the type of sedative that's best for your child based on individual needs, the extent of treatment required, and parental preference. In most cases, we'll administer a local anesthetic along with dental sedation.

Dr. Harman will discuss the sedation options with you, which include:

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas): This minimal form of sedation involves breathing a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a mask placed on the nose. The effects will take hold within a few minutes. Your child will be awake and responsive but will feel relaxed and comfortable. Once the dental procedure is complete and we remove the mask, the effects of the nitrous oxide gas will wear off immediately.

Oral Sedation: Oral conscious sedation involves giving your child oral medication, or "juice," before treatment. Your child will become very comfortable and may even drift into a light sleep but can be easily woken up with a gentle nudge. Most of our young patients don't remember much of their treatment. The sedative will take some time to wear off completely, so your little one will need rest and supervision for the remainder of the day.

General Anesthesia: We offer general anesthesia at our office under the care of a highly experienced, board-certified anesthesiologist. It is often the safest option for very young children, children with special healthcare needs, and those requiring extensive dental care. Your child will be asleep during treatment and will be closely monitored throughout the entire process. Make sure your little one rests for the remainder of the day as the anesthesia wears off.

Sedation Dentistry Near Me in Flower Mound, TX

If you're looking for a pediatric dentistry practice offering gentle, kid-friendly care, we invite you to visit Happy Pediatric Dental of Flower Mound. Dr. Harman and his team will do everything they can to ensure your child is comfortable and happy while receiving the best possible care.

To learn more about our gentle and anxiety-free dental care, we invite you to call our office at 469-240-5128 or fill out our online form to request an appointment today. We look forward to caring for your child's smile!

Schedule Your Child's Appointment Today!

Follow the link to request an appointment that best fits your busy schedule. One of our friendly team members will get back to you to confirm your selection. We can’t wait to meet you and your child.